Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

Early Signs of Pregnancy

early pregnancy
Early signs of pregnancy is the most eagerly anticipated by a woman who wanted her to have a baby. With the onset of pregnancy indicate that the couple has a fertility rate is good and it also indicates that they do not have a significant health problem.

With the arrival of the signs of pregnancy, the presence of a baby in their family a matter of time. The family feels more complete with the presence of the highly anticipated baby.
But sometimes, the couple do not know very well about signs of pregnancy. They sometimes still confuse where the signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms) is actually a sign of the coming period, because many cases occur that the signs of pregnancy are usually similar to the signs of the coming period. Ignorance about this also causes some cases of miscarriage.

This is due to still do an activity or consumption of foods that should not be performed during pregnancy, when in fact she was pregnant. By knowing the signs of pregnancy would also result in preparation to meet the pregnancy to be neglected. Conversely, many cases families for signs of stress that has been regarded as a sign of pregnancy, was performed several times after the test result was negative. Shadow and longed pregnancy are they waiting for finally be gone.
Many women regard the signs of pregnancy only see from one side only, ie late menstruation. Sure enough, one of the signs of pregnancy is a delayed menstruation. However, late menstruation is also not simply caused by the pregnancy course, many things that influence it, diet, stress, tiredness, hormonal disturbance and so on. Well, to be sure again, in addition to delayed menstruation, look at the signs of pregnancy are others, namely:

Changes occur in Breast

If pregnancy occurs, then the breast will be enlarged, it is caused by increased production of hormones estrogen and progesterone. Besides breast conditions also will feel more soft, this creates a sense of higher sensitivity, up to the breast will be sore or painful when held. The nipple is also enlarged and the color will be darker, sometimes itchy. Veins in the breast will also be visible due to tension in the breast.
Besides hormonal activity occurs HPL (Human Placental Lactogen). The hormone is produced by the body during pregnancy the mother had to prepare milk for your baby when born into the world.

The advent of blood spots or spots that follow abdominal cramps

These blood spots appear before the menstrual period to come, it usually occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation. Blood spots is caused by implantation (implantation bleeding) or attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. The emergence of spotting during pregnancy is sometimes mischaracterized as menstruation.

In addition, the discharge of blood spots are usually followed by abdominal cramps. Stomach cramps on the condition of pregnancy will occur on a regular basis. And conditions of these abdominal cramps, will continue until the second trimester of pregnancy, until the uterus lies at the center position and is supported by the pelvis.
Nausea and vomiting (Morning sicknes)

Approximately 50% of women who become pregnant will have these signs. The trigger is an increase in sudden hormone in the bloodstream. The hormone is HCG (Human chorionic gonadotrophin). In addition to the blood, these hormones also increase occurred in urinary tract. Hence, the tool pack pregnancy test done through the medium of the urine, this is done to measure the occurrence of elevated levels of the hormone HCG. The increase of these hormones will result in painful effects on the stomach lining and cause nausea. Nausea usually disappears into the second trimester of pregnancy. If, nausea and vomiting still occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy, you should consult and consult on this matter to your doctor, because it would interfere with your pregnancy.
Nausea and vomiting are common as morning sickness usually occurs during the morning. But in reality, nausea and vomiting may occur in the afternoon and evening as well. Even the morning sickness occurs only when the mother is a particular scent or fragrance.

Frequent urination / urination

After menstruation delayed one to two weeks, the desire to urinate more frequently than the habit. This is due to the growing fetus in the uterus and bladder pressure due to an increase in blood circulation. Besides bladder filled with urine more quickly and the desire to urinate more frequently. Increased sense of urination is also caused by increased hormones of pregnancy. Although urination is frequent, not to restrict or restrain him. In addition avoid dehydration by increasing fluid intake over the body.

Dizziness and headaches

Dizziness and headache disorders are often perceived by pregnant women caused by physical factors: fatigue, nausea, hunger and blood pressure, low. While that is the cause of emotional tension and depression. In addition to the increased supply of blood throughout the body can also cause dizziness when changing position of women.

Fatigue and excessive sleepiness

Fatigue and sleepiness in pregnant women than are caused by hormonal changes, also due to the performance of several vital organs such as kidneys, heart, and lungs, is increasing. These vital organs are not only working to meet the needs of the mother alone, but also for fetal growth and development. Mother's abdomen is getting bigger with increasing gestational age also provides a burden for the mother's body.


Constipation occurs due to an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone in addition to relaxing the muscles of the uterus, also resulted in the loosening of the muscular wall of the intestine, causing constipation or difficult bowel movements. But the advantage of this situation is to allow better absorption of nutrients during pregnancy.

Often spits (hypersalivation)

Signs of pregnancy is due to the influence of estrogen hormone changes, usually occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy. The condition usually disappears after the second trimester of pregnancy

Rise in basal body temperature

If pregnancy or ovulation, then the mother basal body temperature will increase. This condition will persist during the pregnancy. This condition will not go down to the condition prior to ovulation.

Signs of pregnancy (pregnancy symptoms) above are not all women in early pregnancy has absolute signs of the above, means enactment of the above there are signs of pregnancy are experienced, but some are not having any complaints. To further ensure, certainly have done a pregnancy test (pregnancy test), test at home using a test pack or performed in the laboratory.

Kamis, 14 Juni 2012

Program to be Slim After Giving Birth

The gestation period is identical to the rate of weight gain is quite significant. This alarmed the women before pregnancy has been furiously to get the ideal body shape that they desire. Because that's not surprising that after giving birth, many women are obsessed with getting back to the ideal body shape on some sort of program to be slim after giving birth.
This seems quite a rush because the woman who was already a mother can not only consider his appearance alone, but also must maintain the health of infants and exclusive breastfeeding for the new birth. For this reason, women especially those who are exclusively breastfed her baby on the good slim after giving birth to suspend the program in about six months after they give birth or during exclusive breastfeeding in the baby. The delay is more to the effort to prioritize maternal health and development body for the liver. Periods of breastfeeding is quite a difficult period in the life of a mother because they have to actually maintain and manage pattern and diet. Some even require that certain people themselves consume certain foods, so this condition is not supported to do the program slim after giving birth.
Some cases show that the duration of breastfeeding, some women lose weight so they do not have to bother running a diet program that aims to trim back after giving birth.After a period of exclusive breastfeeding is over, then the mother should start thinking about the program slim after giving birth. At this time they no longer have a claim to consume certain foods, so they are more free to run the diet program. However, despite the 'freedom' has arrived, the mothers are advised not to be too ambitious and blindly in planning and running the program slim after giving birth. This requires women to remain selective and choose to receive various offers that came to him, as well as instant slimming supplements to lose weight quick because you should first consult a physician. Your intention should be slim after giving birth as a bonus of optimal health and weight proportional. With this intention, you would be more patient to undergo a process or program of a healthy diet by choosing measures that are not too extreme diet, such as by adjusting the diet and with regular exercise. Many successful women undergoing slim after giving birth just by doing little things well, but because they are not risking their health and fitness just to keep up appearances.

Some Cosmetics that Need to be Avoided When You are Pregnant

During pregnancy, there is nothing wrong for mothers to stay beautiful and charming. However, in terms of selection of cosmetics during pregnancy should be cautious, given the ingredients contained in cosmetics are harmful or not your pregnancy. Here are some cosmetics that need to be avoided when you are pregnant remember the ingredients contained in them can harm your pregnancy:

Hair Care Chemicals
Hair treatments that use chemicals such as those conducted in the rebonding, perms, hair color or paint should be avoided when you are first pregnant. This caused the chemicals contained in them will get into the pores of the head and into the bloodstream and is very harmful to the fetus and increases the risk of fetal birth defects condition.The use of cream hair removers also be avoided during pregnancy because they contain chemicals that are easily absorbed skin and of course also be harmful to your fetus.

Acne drug
Acne medication that contains Retinol A which normally function to slough off dead skin, use in high doses has been shown that the development of babies to be obstructed.Besides acne medications containing benzoyl peroxide in which the drug belongs to the category C which means that the studies have been conducted in animals have shown adverse effects to the fetus and the absence of controlled studies in women.Accutane acne medicine containing. This acne medication made orally in the treatment. It is best avoided during pregnancy because it will cause a risk of fetal birth defects or even a fetus with death.Acne medications containing hydrocortisone are also believed to pose the risk of birth defects or fetal toxicity will experience.Acne medications that contain salicylic acid generated a lot of complications in pregnant women.

Skin Care
Use of sunscreen with a protection where there are chemical ingredients avobenzone and oxybenzone is absorbed easily in the skin that can affect fetal development.Lotion or skin cleanser containing salicylic acid. The use of high doses can cause defects in the fetus.Skin care products that use of parabens preservatives. these compounds in the study have shown that the reproductive system of male babies will be disrupted.Skin whitening products that contain hydroquinone. These chemicals will affect the enzymes in the body and resist natural materials needed by the fetus. Also, whitening products containing synthetic ingredients can make a pregnant woman to be allergic.

Manicure and Pedicure
Nail products that contain ingredients phathalates. These chemicals will cause problems in the reproductive system.Of basecoat materials nail polish, top coat and acetone inhalation will berpengerahuh against pregnancy. Research has proven there are many health problems such as infant disability or death in the salon worker who is pregnant.

Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

The Benefits of DHA for Pregnancy

The happiest time for all women is when they are pregnant. They are very happy and will do whatever is best for its content. They will look for all the good information during pregnancy. They will also see a week of fetal development. As a mother you have to be smart to know what your child needs in their development every week. On the fifth week your baby need nutrients such as DHA to support normal growth. Asa docosahexaenoic or often referred to as DHA is very important for your child. This is very influential in your child's central nervous system. During pregnancy, mothers should not consume milk or foods that contain lots of DHA so that your child will grow up and normal.When the baby is born, the mother should begin breastfeeding, DHA is found in a lot of milk. Although today many busy mothers who choose formula milk DHA air, but the milk remains a food for infants there is no comparison. You can support the quality of your milk by eating nutritious foods such as salmon, tuna, sardines, catfish, crab, shellfish and eggs omega 3. Many studies which say that pregnant women need at least 250 mg DHA in each day. Although your child is getting enough DHA, but this could not immediately guarantee your child to be smart, you should always give a good stimulation for your child. You can start practicing gross motor nerves and smooth your child. How to stimulate your child? You can stimulate their senses by using toys, sounds, colors and others. You will be able to see the response from your child. When you feel something strange, you should check the condition of your your doctor for your child. You have to be careful looking for good food, make sure you do not consume foods containing mercury because it would be harmful to your baby. Make sure you always maintain the cleanliness of the food you consume.

How to Ensure Occurrence of Pregnancy

After observing the alleged signs of pregnancy immediately confirm whether you really pregnant or not pregnant. There are several ways that can be used to confirm a pregnancy through tests.Urine testsTo perform this test there are some things you need to consider, namely the testing process itself, pengetesannya time, and read the results of this are a form tesnya.Tes HCG pregnancy test by testing the presence of HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin). HCG is a hormone produced by the placenta once the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. Hormone partially excreted in the urine of pregnant women. This tool is now being sold freely in the market with different brands and even testing you can do yourself.The first is how to accommodate little urine is released when you first wake up in the morning, in a container that you have prepared.
Test tool is shaped sort of stick dipped in urine that has been housed for 5-10 seconds. Before doing any testing you may need to resist the urge to urinate this gracious moment, so concentrated urine issued and contains a lot of hCG.The second note also the time of testing, ie 7 days after ovulation. Less than that the result will be unsatisfactory. HCG production is a reaction to the fetus will be embedded (blastocysts) in the uterine wall, it means that blastocyst implantation in the uterine wall occurs before HCG is produced. Blastocysts implanted in the uterine wall from about 6-12 days after ovulation, the most is on day 10. So the time is right to ensure the pregnancy is around day 7 after ovulation. This condition does not always occur in all women. There are women who are actually pregnant, but showed a negative test result. One reason is because he has a long menstrual cycles.The third is reading the test results. For that you can look directly at the test device test equipment such as this usually has two windows, one for control and another for the results. Window control function tells you whether the tests carried out is correct or not.
While the results window indicates whether you are positive or negative non-pregnant women.All assays performed in the home should be read as a direct use. After that the tool must be immediately removed to avoid confusion due to change in a positive or negative sign due to time.Blood TestSame with urine, blood tests are also its function is to see where the ingredients are just different HCG. Blood of a pregnant woman who allegedly up to the test in the laboratory with a specific method. In fact almost the same level of accuracy.The ultrasound testSometimes even after doing a urine test at home there are couples who are still not convinced of the occurrence of pregnancy due to certain reasons. For they can test by using ultrasonography (USG), which is usually in a hospital or clinic-Klink maternity or doctor's office. It would be more convincing if it's a pregnancy because you can see the picture of the embryo through an ultrasound device screen.

Tips for Sleeping Well During Pregnancy

Pregnant women often get a lot of problems during pregnancy. Sometimes pregnant women are not able to sleep well during pregnancy. If you can not get a good rest, your child is also in a dangerous state. Therefore, mothers should have a good rest so that your child will be in a state that is fine. Here are there are some tips who good for get a sleep who soundly during pregnancy.

  • Look for a comfortable sleeping position for you. When you are pregnant sometimes you can not find a comfortable position. You could try a safe sleeping positions for pregnant women is side sleeping position to your left side. With this position, blood flow to the placenta for the better.
  • Flush your body with warm water. You can feel comfortable when you sleep if your body is fresh and fragrant. It will make you ready for bed.
  • Do not eat too much when you want to sleep. You can still eat small portions and not eating like a great snack when it will begin to sleep. You can also drink a hot drink before you sleep. It will make you not feel pain in your stomach and heartburn dayDrinking a glass of warm milk can be very good for your health and your good night's sleep. 
  • You should also know that milk is good for pregnant women, make sure the milk contains tryptophan amino acid that would be good to make you sleep soundly.
  • Listening to music can be a good thing before bed. Music can lead you to sleep well. Music can provide comfort and tranquility. If you are calm and relaxed you will be able to sleep safely and comfortably.
  • Having sex can also make you more comfortable and restful sleep. You also need to know your baby's condition and safe sex positions for you and your fetus. If you're do not want to have sex, you can replace it by having a partner gently massage it.
  • Breathing exercises are also excellent for reducing all the muscle tension that will make you sleep more soundly. You can sit down and do the breathing exercises for some time. It will make you more calm in your night's sleep.
  • Pregnant women should always rest when feeling tired. This will allow you to sleep comfortably and quickly. You should not stress because stress can cause you trouble sleeping. You still need to be calm while finding solutions to the problems of your pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a time that you really waiting for. Pregnancy does not always run smoothly and comfortably. Sometimes you have to get a variety of issues related to your pregnancy. You still have to know how your pregnancy is the solution of the problem and ask your spouse to take thought about the best solution for your problem. If necessary you can go to the doctor and get a solution from the doctor. Doctors will not hesitate to give the best advice for you. You should not sleep in the prone position because it would be harmful to your fetus

The occurrence of the process of Pregnancy

The occurrence of the pregnancy process. When a woman having sex with a man then maybe the woman will become pregnant (The occurrence of pregnancy). Pregnancy occurs when a sperm cell into the womb of a woman's egg that has matured. a man on average spend as much as 3 cc of semen, and every 1 cc of normal semen will contain about 100 million to 120 million pieces of sperm cells. Once the semen is emitted (ejaculation) into the base of the genital tract wife, millions of sperm cells will be run through the uterine cavity,fought to achieve a mature egg in the fallopian tubes that exist across the uterus. At the time of ovulation, the mucus in the cervix (neck of womb) to be more liquid, so that the sperm readily penetrate into the womb. Sperm move from the vagina to the ends of the fallopian tube funnel-shaped in 5 minutes. Cells lining the fallopian tube for fertilization and facilitate the formation of a zygote (fertilized egg cell). If she is in the fertile period, or in other words there is a mature egg cell, then there pembuahan.Pada process of fertilization, only the head of the sperm penetrates the egg and unite with the cell nucleus telur.Bagian tail which is a tool to release sperm themselves. The fertilized egg will harden on the outside. This causes the egg can only be fertilized by a sperm.Core of the fertilized egg cell will experience a division into two parts after 30 hours. 20 hours later the egg cell nucleus will be re-split into four sections. Three to four days after fertilization, the cells will arrive at the uterus. In  the period of one week after the change, will produce a mass of cells ola bulb shaped needle, which is called (blastocyt). In the next process, which is about 5 the next day, blastocysts will attach and implant into the endometrium.For two to four weeks of development, blastocysts obtain nutrients from the endometrium. At this developmental period, will form the placenta. The placenta is a disc-shaped organs that contain maternal blood vessels (mother) and embryos. This crosses the placenta, the embryo will get the nutrients from the maternal. Through the placenta is also an exchange of respiratory gases and metabolic disposal of embryos. Blood flow to the placenta from the embryo through the umbilical cord arterial and central venous return and pass through the heart of the embryo.